Each industry has it its own demands for the surface treatment installations. Crescocito tailors optimised systems according to the industry and application.
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Crescocito AB Kartåsgatan 11 SE-531 40 Lidköping Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)510 488 770 Fax: +46 (0)510 214 59 info@crescocito.com
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Massimo Melani Production +46 (0)510 - 48 87 74 +46 (0)70 - 844 64 56 massimo@crescocito.com
Inquiry info@crescocito.com
Andreas Carlen R&D +46 72 505 8282 andreas@crescocito.com
Linus Lundberg Production / Technical support +46 (0)510 - 48 87 78 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 83 linus@crescocito.com
Per Axelsson Order / Technical support +46 (0)510 - 48 87 79 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 85 per@crescocito.com
Kristin Berg Finance / Administration +46 (0)510 - 488 771 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 80 kristin@crescocito.com
Peter Alfredsson R&D +46 76 109 8281 peter@crescocito.com
Order order@crescocito.com
Stefan Carlsson Sales / Technical support +46 (0)510 - 488 772 +46 (0)76 - 104 82 82 stefan@crescocito.com
Teuvo Pöyhönen MD / Sales +46 (0)510 - 488 776 +46 (0)76 - 203 01 46 teuvo@crescocito.com
France Sandrine Thomas Sales / Technical Support +33 (0)6 - 30 65 67 68 sandrine@crescocito.com
Germany / Austria Volkmar Lüthke Sales / Technical Support +49 (0)5273 368 796 +49 (0)174 241 82 83 volkmar@crescocito.com
Netherlands & Benelux LIMAR TECHNIEK Adres. Einsteinstraat 12 3316 GG Dordrecht +31 0031- 78-6227544 mdd@limartechniek.nl
Poland ECCO FINISHING POLSKA Adres : ul. Gen. Wł. Sikorskiego 17A, 87-300 Brodnica +48 56 493 16 11 fax :+48 56 493 16 11 wew. 4
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